Ms. Shaheen
Aggarwal, a dedicated teacher of Oracy and Performing Arts for over 16 years
and founder of ‘Speech Matters’ a platform that provides invaluable skills to
young minds, in continuation of Building Oracy Skills in the Classrooms,
conducted a Workshop for our teachers today, i.e., Saturday, 8 March 2025,
across both Primary and Secondary sections.
The Workshop
was aimed at strengthening Oracy Skills in the Classrooms wherein she
emphasized on building Nonverbal, Thinking, Listening and Speaking Skills
as vital components of learning a
She emphasized
the power of listening in building trust and how language is a tool for
abstract thinking. Amongst other things, the Workshop also highlighted the
importance of articulation, intonation, cadence, enunciation and diction for
effective communication.
Teachers got
hands-on with phonic exercises and fun tricks to make classrooms more engaging.
A fantastic
session as we prepare for an exciting new term ahead!